Archive for November, 2011

Children of Divorce:Thoughts

November 3, 2011

One of the pieces of information missing in our vast databases of our technologically connected world is what happens to children of divorce. While the world of social science is inexact at best, often, it is the only window we have to unearth some of the social constructs of flawed morality built into laws that exacerbate the very problem they were intended to alleviate. Such is the world of divorce. Filled with emotion and reaction and lacking any data.

Vikki Stark, family therapist, is conducting a study of the impact on children of how they learned about their parents’ divorce. She is a researcher who is studying the effect of the moment of revelation on children when they learn that their parents are getting divorced. Vikki is looking for participants who would be willing to fill out a questionnaire for her online study.

Vikki wants you to answer a few questions on the topic “How you found out about your parents’ divorce. If you are an adult who was a child/teen when your parents got divorced or are currently a child/teen of divorce – help kids in the future through your participation!”

Vikki has set up a survey questionaire suitable for kids ages 4 to 17 with parental consent or adults who were kids when their parents divorced, to study and analyse the moment of revelation at which parents inform their kids that they are getting divorced.

“The experience of telling your story will help you too.” Read more about it in her Psychology Today article here.